Building a Eucharistic Marriage
A 7-part program for your parish to help couples grow in love and focus their marriage on Christ!
The program is designed to be run over seven consecutive weeks using a therapeutic method. All you need is a space and projector!
A leader login to show the videos in groups of any size at your parish
An unlimited license to print the couple discussion guide for all participants
Training guide on how to successfully run the program
Marketing materials to use in your parish to promote the program
A 50% discount coupon for every couple to own the program after they participate
Option for couples to purchase missed sessions
Parish Leader Guide
Guía del Lider Parroquial
Introduction - Greg Schutte
Introduction - Fr. Alex McCullough
Couples Guide
Copy of Guía de Pareja
Session 1 - Video
Session 2 - Video
Session 3 - Video
Session 4 - Video
And watch your community thrive
AMAZING program.... the videos are fantastic. By the end of the series I feel our whole group of 13 couples knew Greg and Stephanie personally. And then Father Alex sealed the deal. Father Alex explained so many aspects of the mass in such a bea...
Read MoreAMAZING program.... the videos are fantastic. By the end of the series I feel our whole group of 13 couples knew Greg and Stephanie personally. And then Father Alex sealed the deal. Father Alex explained so many aspects of the mass in such a beautiful way. I was asked many times what his name is as we all felt such a comfort in the way he explained things and made his explanations so personal to each of us. The 7 weeks turned into 8 weeks due to a snow storm, however, the weeks flew by and everyone was excited to get back together in fellowship and watch the videos, and have wonderful group discussions. Here are a few reviews: "I was reluctant to come to the class as I didn't know what to expect. I liked the length of the sessions as they didn't get overly long. They gave us options to work out things in ways we didn't try before. It has resulted in us being able to have the best conversations with each other than we have had in years." "I enjoyed the focus on the Eucharist and comparison of that to the sacrifices we make for each other in our marriage." "I highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to strengthen their marriage!" "We gained so much knowledge, insight, and suggestions for improving our marriage. The videos, discussion questions, and homework/actions to implement each week were extremely helpful. I would recommend this program for all couples - those recently married or together for many years." Since everyone who attended loved the fellowship with other married couples from our parish we are planning group dinners every 6 weeks. I'll be incorporating information provided by your weekly emails that I receive for marriage enrichment. We are hoping to implement the program twice a year at our parish. Deacon Pat and Patty Brockhaus - Holy Cross Parish, Sioux City, IA
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