Feel the deep emotional connection in every note of this heartfelt song

Find inspiration and joy in the beautiful melody crafted for a loving marriage

Experience the dedication and love woven into every lyric by Greg Schutte

Discover the Emotional Journey of "The Long Road"

"The Long Road" is a heartfelt song written by Greg Schutte, dedicated to his beloved wife, Stephanie. This song, born from love and devotion, has touched the hearts of many. Performed with his band, ROMANS, Greg takes you on an emotional journey through the depth of love which is encapsulated in this beautiful melody.

Meet Greg Schutte, the Heart Behind the Song

I'm Greg Schutte, and I poured my heart and soul into creating "The Long Road" to share the beauty of a Eucharistic marriage. Join me on this emotional journey as we celebrate love, dedication, and the power of music to unite hearts.

Experience Love Through Music

Download "The Long Road" and let the melody of love resonate within you. Take the first step towards experiencing the beauty of a Eucharistic marriage.
